Current projects

If you have ADHD, you probably know how tempting it is to try something new. Then get bored and try another new thing because it didn’t click right away. Then another, and another, ad infinitum. With some of my newer projects, however, I’m hesitantly but happily going to claim I’m actually keeping on track. One of those projects, of course, is this entire venture I’m trying out of making art a business.

Another one of these is, surprisingly enough considering my difficulties when it comes to numbers, coding. Nothing fancy, it’s all powered through python and renpy. They make things way, way simpler, along with lots of help from tutorials and videos. But, I’m getting places! The project I’m coding for - Rules About Marbles and Witches - is a simple little visual novel where the player, as a new teacher at a magical academy, has a chance to befriend or antagonize many characters, all ultimately doing the same to the school’s groundskeeper, Millie.

With many siblings peppered throughout the school, any sour or sweet behavior will make its way back to him, alongside gifts and acts of kindness you can show him directly, all of which is shown through the heart system I’ve dubbed marbles. The extent of my previous coding experience has to do with where items go on a page, fonts, and colors, so suffice to say I’m in a little over my head with how I’ve tried to implement it. My confidence is growing every day though, and while I can’t promise a release date I plan to steadily work on it here and there until completion.

Currently, all my projects are on slow mo for the sake of launching my business, comics and commissions not being the best thing to try and sell out of the gate. But if you like what you’ve seen of my work, I hope you’ll support me and stick around to see these plans all come to fruition!